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.epub Epi Miologia Leon Gordis Book Rar Free Download

This blog post is about an epidemiologist, Leon Gordis. Leon Gordis was born in 1923. He graduated from Temple University Medical School in 1947 and became the first American born person to receive a Ph.D. in Epidemiology, which he obtained at Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health in 1954. Dr. Gordis served for many years as dean of the School of Public Health at one of the nation's larger medical schools, the University of California-Berkeley, and subsequently became president of both Rush-Presbyterian-St Luke's Medical Center (1985) and Mount Sinai Hospital (1988). He was a faculty member of the Harvard School of Public Health from 1961 until he retired in 1991. Dr. Leon Gordis's contributions to epidemiology include: Gordis, L.H., and B.J. Franco (1988), "The Changing Epidemiology of Heart Disease: The Vietnam Era." "American Journal of Public Health" 78 (8): 906–11. Gordis, L.H., and N. Milgrom (1980) "Race and mortality in the United States: An analysis based on the 1970 census." JAMA 244: 3243–3248. Gordis, L.H., and C.-K Ho (1980). "Social class differences in mortality from coronary heart disease." "American Journal of Public Health" 70: 1161–1166. Gordis, L.H., and M.V. Bendich (1968). "Social inequality of cardiovascular disease." "Science" 159: 752–756. Gordis, L.H., and B.-J Franco (1968). "The changing epidemiology of heart disease: the Vietnam Era." "American Journal of Public Health" 58:1389–1407. Gordis, L.H., and B.-J Franco (1970). "The changing epidemiology of heart disease: The Vietnam Era." "American Journal of Public Health" 60: 1447–1458. Gordis, L.H., and R.M. Kleinman (1969). "Association of cigarette smoking with diabetes mellitus: A review and reappraisal." "American Journal of Public Health" 59: 1377–1382. Gordis, L.H., and R.-C Tu (1974). "Association between cigarette smoking and disease among wives in a Chinese population." "American Journal of Public Health" 64: 626–640. Gordis, L.H., and B.-J Franco (1975). "The changing epidemiology of heart disease: The Vietnam Era." "American Journal of Public Health" 65:95–102.   Gordis, L.H., and J.M. Black (1987). "Cancer mortality in the second half of the 20th century." "Journal of the National Cancer Institute" 77(12): 1025–1031. Gordis, L.H., and S.-C Huang (1979). "The changing epidemiology of heart disease: The Vietnam Era." "American Journal of Public Health" 69:1300–1306. Wilkin, J. cfa1e77820

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