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This is a free PDF that contains the content from the book entitled "Higher Surveying". It includes both mathematical and engineering analysis, as well as graphical analysis for design professionals, engineering students, and professional engineers. The Higher Surveying La Putt Pdf Free 114 can help you to understand more about how to work with heights in different situations. There are various exercises that will help you to assess your understanding of this topic. Below is an excerpt from one of the chapters, about setting out methods for determining height: "More accurate methods are required to determine height between two points on opposite sides of a valley or hill slope. The simplest method is to measure the distance between two points on opposite sides of the valley or hill. The smallest difference in height (displacement) is recorded. If the difference between heights is less than 1/2 of a unit (in either direction), then the height of the points are equal, and either distance between them can be subtracted to determine height in that direction. This is known as measuring horizontal distances (Hd). The simplest way to calculate distance D in any one direction H is simply to multiply H by itself. This method works well when very close positions are being measured, but fails when positions are too far apart since it gives an overestimate of D. "An expedient solution is to use the classical proportions described by Euclid. The proportion which gives the shortest distance is D = H × 100H0.5, or where H is in metres and D in metres." The book was published by the Concrete Society in 1929, which explains some of its formatting issues. It was originally published as a series of articles in the journal "Concrete", under the name 'Technical Memoranda'. This book contains ten chapters that contain explanations on different survey calculations, as well as working examples that include descriptions for calculating with heights. 1 http://www.spectrum-scientifics. com/ 2 http://www.ibiblio. org/smarttopic/pdf/75.pdf cfa1e77820